Why Student life is the most amazing phase of any person's life.
Monday, May 4, 2020
student life part-2
Student life starts as soon as we join our nursery class. This period keeps on going tillyour school ends. After that we go on to pursue higher studies where we still remainstudents. But our issues increase as we have grown up into full adults now. But tell me,do we really ever stop learning? No, be it adults or kinds, learning never stops. Sobasically student life never ends. But what demarcates student life then? When a persondecides to stop pursuing studies, be it 12th, graduation, post-graduation; according tothe society, his student life is officially over. I find this definition of student life by thesociety astonishing. They tend to decide everything for everyone. This societal pressureto confront to the level of society's expectation destroys the person and their ambitions.Students should never give in to societal pressure. Search your brain for answers andfollow your dreams if you don't want society to dictate your terms and conditions.
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